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PCOS Fit Elite

12 Weeks Weight Loss Program

Why PCOS Fit Elite?

Guided by gynecologists and LM doctors, the Elite Program offers a safe and effective weight loss solution designed specifically for individuals with PCOS, high body mass (weight), busy lifestyles, or those managing medical or mental health conditions. This comprehensive program goes beyond weight loss, supporting sustainable weight management while improving PCOS symptoms, hormonal balance, and overall wellness.

✓ Improved PCOS Symptoms
✓ Healthy Weight Loss
✓ Reduced Cravings

✓ Sustained Result


✓ 2 Gynecologist Consultations

✓ Monthly Online LM Doctor Consultation

✓ Custom Weight Loss Injectable (Semaglutide 8mg vial)
✓ Weight Loss Protocol
✓ Regular Onsite Body Scan
✓ Online Health Support by RND

The program duration varies from 4 to 12 weeks based on the doctor’s prescription and individual health needs.

Payment Options:
VISA, Mastercard, and GCASH
All Payments are processed through Xendit

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